Tip of the Week: Apology, Marriage, Emergencies, and Las Vegas–Plus New Posting Date

images (10)I WOULD like to apologize to my readers for the fact that I have not posted for the last two weeks. Generally, I write my posts on the day that I publish them, so if life gets in the way, it is difficult to post. Life gets in the way frequently on weekends.

imagesEHDYAZ3STHE last two weekends (and some weekdays too) have included a three-day spiritual festival; a wedding (not mine); a trip to the emergency room (not my emergency, but I needed to be there); and a last-minute, four-day trip to Las Vegas.

(What happens in Las Vegas stays in Vegas!)

I HAVE decided that it might to easier for me, and maybe some of my readers, if I posted during the week. So I am going to start posting on Wednesday. I think that this change will be good for us all–especially those who indulge in weekend craziness.


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